I AM Blueprints


The Process & Purpose of the Divine 'I AM' Blueprint


The Divine I AM Blueprint is a divine remembrance of our harmonics, our music and self-creation of our eternal state of One


For many years now I have been creating Divine Blueprints for clients all over the world.   You receive an A3 size creation on 600gsm high-quality paper card ready to be framed.  I use many mediums including pen, ink, powders, pastels and fine paint.  It is one of my most favourite things to do, creating magic for someone from their Higher Divine!

In gratitude, Victoria x

What is Divine I AM Blueprint?

Every Blueprint is as unique as every Soul in the Universe.

Your Blueprint is a plan, a story that you wrote, seeded and birthed into life. It is never ‘fixed’ and is always moving, shifting, expanding and evolving.

Of “Star and Stone, the Galaxies and the Omniverse”, you chose to live, learn, love, and create through the many expressions of Self in your multi-faceted dimensional energies.

One of these energies is the human form you have chosen to take now!

You will continue to write your story and choose your path for as long as your last breath on Earth.  The Blueprint that you chose to express before you came into this physical form will be very different from the one you hold when you depart the physical earth plane.

What this means is you are no longer bound or tied by your past or your future, by your ancestors or what is known as ‘contracts and agreements of karma’ – you are the creator of your own destiny!

Your blueprint is expressions of energy – light, and sound, that hold keys that open the many doorways and pathways of your divine plan filled with higher potentials to express, experience and BE.

A Divine Blueprint is like a design or template.  It is like our original ‘recorded data’ – all of our original information of pure sound and light.  Codes and records within an energy field that we each originally held from our Source/Creator – The One.  It is pure energy that shifts and creates as the wind blows and the oceans flow.

I AM Blueprint

Our divine I AM Blueprint is our spark of the One Source that was sent out to experience through many forms of light and sound (our own life experiences and our extended Soul Group’s experiences on Earth and other realms) and eventually to return home – to our ONE Cosmic heart through love.

Your Blueprint is a plan, a story that you wrote, seeded, and birthed into life.  It is never ‘fixed’ and is always moving, shifting, expanding, and evolving.

Of “Star and Stone, the Galaxies and the Omniverse”, you chose to live, learn, love, and create through the many expressions of Self in your multi-faceted dimensional energies.

What is my role as a Blueprinter?

Victoria Webby

Your I AM presence is like the Master Conductor of an Orchestra and I am part of that orchestra – you guide me and show me the codes, colours, sounds, and writings you require to expand, awaken, remember, and grow.   

I am a Channel, Scribe and Translator of a Multi-dimensional life-force – a Blueprint, who receives energies and messages from your I AM/Source vibration.  I then translate them onto paper.  The energies and messages come through in various forms – drawing, speaking, singing, and writing in the ‘Language of Light’.  The process usually takes around 3-4 hours. There can be up to hundreds of codes placed into a single Blueprint – both written in physical form and imprinted into sound and light codes in the etheric energies


What will these Blueprints do for you?


The main thing is that the I AM Blueprint helps you to ‘remember’. To remember that you are already ‘awake’, already whole, already ONE – you have simply forgotten this state (just for a moment in Earthly time).

The Blueprint will also assist you in grounding the ‘new energies’ of the earth that have been slowly building since your birth but especially from the year 2012.  It will enhance your ability to flow with the huge influxes of energies and the paradigm shifts we are experiencing throughout the many years up to and including the next phase in 2033.

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    Clear unhealthy vibrations

    by opening your emotions to set free old belief systems.

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    Enhance your energy

    on a physical – health level.

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    Assist in the healing of energies

    on all levels – physical, etheric, emotional, intellectual, spiritual.

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    Bring clarity,

     inner truth and wisdom.

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    Enhance your psychic energies

    and awareness.

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    Re-calibrate your DNA

    to open dormant cellular energy that assists your energies in remembering and to realise your highest potential both within and beyond 5th dimension.

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    To realise your Oneness

    your divine Spirit - what is called Monad.

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    Bring presence and awareness

    to the other aspects of your Soul Family- the extension and integration of other members of your Soul group experiences.

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    Opens your energies

    to your higher vibrations of unconditional love, joy, and all other vibrations of pure and divine awareness.

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    Expand your energies

    to fully connect into higher dimensions and levels of consciousness.

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    Connects you into all dimensional energies

    of both the Star and Earth portals.

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    Connects you to the many Kingdoms of Creation

    – Earth, Star and Sea.

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    Assists you in awakening

    to your original Star vibration and the Language of Light.

“The energy of the divinely channeled Blueprints are the healing tool for the NOW."  

"They will accelerate your conscious awareness and will continue to evolve and support your growth for they hold the Language of Light – the original sound of your Source – your Heart-Soul-Monadic vibration”

Archangel Metatron

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    A Blueprint for the spiritual

    How a Soul Blueprint can help you on your journey

  • A Blueprint for your home

    Discover commissioned art created from your soul.

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    A Blueprint for your collection

    Buy into an emerging art movement.

What will these Blueprints do for you?


The I AM Blueprints can be used to assist to heal and balance yourself, family, friends, pets, to clear areas within the house, office, land etc. Lay them under a healing table, your bed at night, under a chair, under food – wherever you can think of – they will assist you on all levels;

Take them on your travels – assist many with jetlag and travel symptoms. Copy them to your computer, your mobile etc. they heal, enlighten and open your energies to your/the higher light

The most important thing is that you can FEEL the change – whether it be immediate or over a long period, they work because they come from YOU – your Higher Self through LOVE and JOY from the original light of your Source, of Creation.

The Blueprints make great gifts for yourself or for other people.  Whether for personal healing or for a business they are a great form of “Healing and Acceleration Artwork” that can be framed and will continue to expand the consciousness of all;

Enjoy the experience and thank you for sharing your divine light with my divine light!

Shenaya Om (In Blessed Love)


Victoria created an I AM Blueprint for myself and my son.

I had them today during meditation and trust me when I say I had never felt such intense energy before. Truly an amazing experience. I am feeling so blessed to have the blueprint with me. Thank you so much for everything.

Deepa Iyer

Bangalore, India

Your Blueprint Experience


For many years now I have been creating expansive divine I AM Blueprints for clients all over the world.   You receive an A3 size creation on 600gsm high-quality paper card ready to be framed.  I use many mediums including pen, ink, powders, pastels, and fine paint.

It is one of my most favourite things to do, creating magic for someone from their Higher Divine!